Happy New Year! It's 2022!

Happy New Year! It's 2022!

02 January 2022
Well, another year over and what a year it has been!  The start of a new year is always a time of reflection and looking back over 2021, I am so proud of what we have achieved.

We started 2021 online, and then spent the year adapting to the ever changing Covid rules, including singing outdoors in all weather, getting indoors with restricted numbers, 2m apart, freezing and finally getting back to some sort of normality in our Autumn term was an absolute joy.

The icing on the cake was being able to get out in the community to enjoy some Christmas festivities. There are many places you can see what we've been getting up to, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter (all @gleeclubuk) and of course you can see videos and photos of our term by clicking on the links below.

Our Glee YouTube channel CLICK HERE is being updated all the time and has a variety of club performances for you to enjoy.

We have a Glee Flickr account which holds over 5000 fabulous photos of us. You don't need your own Flickr account, simply CLICK HERE to have a browse, see all those wonderful memories and download any of your favourite photos.

You can see us everywhere! 

Go Glee!